Product or Service | Quantity | Price | Line Total |
Website DevelopmentIncludes website and mobile website development and launch:
Proposed Pages/Sections: Homepage, About, Food Desert Information, Services, Partners, Blog, Event Registration, Contact.
| 1 | $1,000.00 | $1,000.00 |
Basic SEO PackageSEO, Keyword Optimization, Metadata Setup, Content Development | 1 | $0.00 | $0.00 |
Website Maintanance TrainingOur team will train your representatives on essential website functions and maintenance, including updating text, photos, and videos, as well as adding new pages, buttons, and links. Three months of customer maintenance updates are included. | 1 | $0.00 | $0.00 |
Marketing ConsultationTwo one-hour strategic marketing consultations will be provided. The first consultation will focus on the website framework, needs assessment, and outlining responsibilities. The second consultation will address marketing strategies once the website is completed. | 1 | $0.00 | $0.00 |
Expedited Estimated Milestones:
Framework Design will begin immediately: 1/24/2025
First Consultation to Review Framework and Templates. 1/26-1/29
First Draft and Revisions 2/9
Final Draft and Launch. 2/15
An updated timeline will be produced after the initial consultation.
Website Details:
The website will be built using the WIX platform. Please note that the cost of designing and developing the website does not include hosting fees, the domain purchase, or maintenance beyond the initial three-month period. The client is responsible for providing information, photos, videos, and for giving timely responses and feedback at each milestone.
Payments can be submitted through
Paypal at
Zelle at 3364506797
Cashapp at 3364506797.
Contact Info: C. Renae Simon Web: Email: Phone: 336-450-6797